Online Ukulele Lessons with Craig & Sarah


The video above is our latest Collaboration Video with our students! Please enjoy their hard work.

We are very proud to be partnered with ArtistWorks for our Online Lessons. The curriculum goes Beginning ‘Ukulele (How to hold, strum, etc) to Advanced (complex chord melody, Jazz Chords, etc). There is so much variety and lots for any level of player. The great part is, once you have subscribed, you have access to ALL LEVELS of lessons.

What makes these online lessons unique is the Video Exchange Program. What this means is, once you've gone over a lesson, record a video of yourself playing the assignment, OR asking a question, and Craig and Sarah will answer you via video as well. This interactive platform makes these lessons very unique and fun.

To learn more, please visit ArtistWorks's website. Feel free to check out these Sample Lessons!

 Craig and Sarah have been showcased around the world for their teaching and performances. From the Western US Reno 'Ukulele Festival to the Eastern US Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway, to The Grand Northern ‘Ukulele Festival (UK) and to the Sunshine Coast ‘Ukulele Festival (AUS), they have made their mark in their ability to connect with people of all levels. With Craig's 13 years of experience and Sarah's 10 years, both have become Festival favorites. Their joy for teaching shines through in every private lesson and workshop that they do. 

Whether it's your first instrument or your fifth, you'll love learning the 'ukulele!